The JavaScript SDK provides a convenient interface for interacting with the UploadFly API to upload and delete files.


npm install @uploadfly/js

Class: CreateUploadflyClient


new CreateUploadflyClient(apiKey: string)

  • Creates a new instance of the CreateUploadflyClient class.
  • Parameters:
    • apiKey (string): The API key required for authentication with the UploadFly service.
  • Throws:
    • Error: If the apiKey parameter is not provided.


upload(file: File, config?: { filename?: string })

  • Uploads a file to the Uploadfly cloud.
  • Parameters:
    • file (File): The file to be uploaded.
    • config (optional): Additional configuration options.
      • filename (string): The desired filename for the uploaded file. If not provided, the original filename will be used.
    • Returns:
      • A Promise that resolves with the response from the Uploadfly API.
    • Throws:
      • Error: If the file parameter is not provided or if the file upload fails.
      • Error: If an error occurs during the file upload process.

delete(fileUrl: string)

  • Deletes a file from the Uploadfly cloud.
  • Parameters:
    • fileUrl (string): The URL of the file to be deleted.
    • Returns:
      • A Promise that resolves with the response from the Uploadfly API.
    • Throws:
      • Error: If the fileUrl parameter is not provided or if the file deletion fails.
      • Error: If an error occurs during the file deletion process.